Descargar Gratis Blank Sheet Music Notebook: Black Music Notes cover, 12 stave staff paper, 100 pages, A4 8.5x11 inch Music Manuscript Paper Musicians Notebook for music composition & writing music notation de InspirationzStore Music Notebooks PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Descarga Blank Sheet Music Notebook: Black Music Notes cover, 12 stave staff paper, 100 pages, A4 8.5x11 inch Music Manuscript Paper Musicians Notebook for music composition & writing music notation de InspirationzStore Music Notebooks Libro PDF, Descargar audiolibro Blank Sheet Music Notebook: Black Music Notes cover, 12 stave staff paper, 100 pages, A4 8.5x11 inch Music Manuscript Paper Musicians Notebook for music composition & writing music notation gratis
Reseña del editor A4 Blank Sheet Music Notebook Features:Size: In inches: 8.5' x 11' inchIn cm: 21.6 x 27.9 cmIn mm: 216 x 279 mm(This is the American Standard A4 size)Paper: - 12 staves per page- No clefs written in to allow a large range of instruments to be composed for, and no bar lines or measures are included, to allow maximal flexibility when composing.Pages: 100 pages (50 double-sided sheets)Cover Type: Matte, Soft coverBinding: Perfect Bound(Please note: because of the perfect binding, this notebook is not built for the pages to be pulled out)- - -More about this Product:This soft cover paperback classic 8.5 x 11 blank music manuscript paper notebook is intended for music students taking music lessons and learning to compose for an instrument be it piano, violin, recorder or any other instrument; for musicians, music teachers, music composers and songwriters. You can use it for:- music college or university- school music classes- music composition at home, in the studio or anywhereThis musician's notebook contains 50 sheets of staff paper, which gives 100 pages for you to compose and write on.This A4 music notebook has a classical cover, designed in black and white featuring a graphic of handwritten music notation & music notes. Simple, classic, stylish, elegant, sophisticated, traditional and unisex. The interior of this blank music composition notebook contains 12 staves per page.A great blank music notebook that's the perfect piece of stationery to complete your collection of musical composition paper writing supplies.WIth its simple unisex design, it's perfect for men, for women, for girls or for boys, young and old, from school kids & children in grade school, to high school teens & teenagers, college kids, uni students, to adults. Suitable for all!- - -For customers who speak other languages, this product is a notebook, which in other languages is called:- In Spanish: Cuaderno de música con pentagrama / Bloc de música, 12 pentagramas, (Contiene 100 páginas / 50 hojas y cada una de ellas tiene 12 pentagramas ) Es adecuado para escribir composiciones musicales / Carpeta para Partituras - In German: Musiknotizbuch / Musik notizbuch- In Italian: taccuino musicale / Quaderni Musica - Musica a tema nero note musicali taccuino- In French: Cahier de Musique portées partition manuscrit - il vous aidera dans les cours de musique- In Japanese: ?????, ???, 12? - In Dutch: muziek notitieboek
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